Step-by-Step Process
1. Send your manuscript to Book Formatters for a quote.
After we receive your manuscript, we’ll do a short phone interview with you to understand the scope of your project so we can give you an accurate quote. We’ll look at the following elements:
a. The length of the manuscript
b. The type of book you’re looking for - paperback or hardcover
c. The dimensions of the book
d. The target reader’s age group
e. Photos, tables, or charts
f. Footnotes, an index, or appendices
g. Photos and captions. We’ll need to know if they’re high resolution and whether they require any extra Photoshop work such as blocking out backgrounds.
h. Content of the chapter starts, and whether you prefer all new chapters begin on the right-hand page. This is the normal convention but will add some blank pages to your finished book.
i. Cover. If you already have a cover, we may be able to choose an interior font that is the same orcompatible. If you don’t have a cover, we can discuss designing one for you.
j. Your book printer. Whether you’re using an online or a local printer, they all have different specifications for layout that we need to have before layout production begins.
k. Your deadline
2. Choose a layout style
We’ll work with you to determine the finished size of the physical book and build three sample spreads – from your own copy – that use different fonts, font sizes, drop caps, header and pagination arrangements, chapter starts, and other layout treatments unique to your manuscript. You can mix and match different elements, and we’ll put together as many sample spreads as you need to arrive at a final, approved layout.
We encourage customers to print out these pages so they can see the actual size of the font, how italics read, and perhaps compare them to other books in your library. Very often a page on screen has a different look than a printed copy of it.
3. Design production
Depending on the size and complexity of the book, the layout can take as little as a few days to a week or two. We will present you with a first draft for you to proof. Each draft PDF will be sent to you in both single-page format and in spread format. The spreads will display the right and left pages side by side. This will show you how the two pages balance. The balance is how the bottom lines of each page match up. The PDF in spreads also makes it easy to spot widows (single lines at the top of a page), which are otherwise easy to miss.
If your content has tables or graphics, we will rework them in Illustrator or InDesign so that they are high resolution and visually compatible with the rest of the contents.
4. Proofing and corrections
This phase of the project is largely the customer’s responsibility. Finding errors and making changes are all part of the process. Even the most seasoned book editors find proofing mistakes. We acknowledge that, and we’re happy to make any corrections needed. If you’d like to use an outside proofreader, we can recommend one or you can easily find one online.
The proofing process is critical. We always suggest that you have someone other than yourself – or better yet, a few people – proof the book. It takes extra time to do this, but if you find a mistake after the book has been printed, it’s too late to make a change.
We will provide up to three rounds of changes at no additional cost.
5. Deliver final book interior
Most of the time we deliver books as ready-to-print PDFs. If your printer requires a different format, we can supply that too. And if you’d like a zip file that contains the working file, all images, and fonts, we’re happy to supply it. We archive your project for up to three years in case you need to come back to us for changes or a revised edition.
If you need an eBook version, we’ll be glad to refer you to some specialists. Very often eBook conversion requires font adjustments, manual linking, special photo treatment, layout changes to accommodate sidebars or footnotes, and other modifications. Someone who is experienced with the specific formats compatible for iBooks, Kindle, Nook, and Kobo will be able to deliver a professional looking and problem-free eBook.